CLI Magic!
Ebonie Butler presented on WP-CLI, a great tool for saving time and effort of those who manage WordPress websites.
Ebonie’s slides:
Here is the plugin that Ebonie made to add a custom command to WP-CLI:
SSH De-mystified
Jonny Shaw from StormDesigns presented a slide deck to help simplify accessing a web server via an FTP program (Filezilla in this case) using SSH “key pairs” rather than user names and passwords.
Pairing Back Your Image Library – Kim White
Kim White shared with us ways to reduce our image library to save space on our server and reduce page load times.
A bit behind schedule but please enjoy the SSH access slides. This will help provide an overview of how SSH can provide a secure connection for file transfer via the popular FTP app filezilla. Explains what SSH is, how it works and you can use it quickly.