
In the welcoming spirit of the WordPress community, the Philly ‘burbs WP Meetup is happy to offer a scholarship program. This program provides financial support to allow individuals who could not otherwise afford to do so to attend our meetup, learn about WordPress, and become a part of the larger WordPress community.

The scholarship provides the following:

  • Waiver of the $5.00 attendance fee
  • A payment of $10.00 to cover transportation costs, paid after attending a meetup.

Program Parameters

  • We will review scholarships on a first come, first served basis.
  • The program is need based.
  • Individuals selected for a scholarship will receive the attendance fee waiver and transportation funds for a maximum of three meetups.
  • The three meetups need not be consecutive, but they must take place within the period of the next six meetups. This usually means attendance at three meetups within the next six months, as meetups are usually held monthly.
  • A maximum of three scholarships may run concurrently.
  • We will operate on the honor system, and in accordance with the guidelines in our Code of Conduct, which is based on the WordPress Code of Conduct.
  • We will give first consideration to applicants from our local geographical area.

Additional Considerations

  • We will process applications as soon as we reasonably can, typically within two weeks. Please keep in mind that our program is run by volunteers.
  • The application form requests contact info and other information. We will treat this information with respect and will not share it outside of the scholarship application review group.

To Apply

Interested? Think you may be eligible? We welcome you to apply! Please fill out the form below.

Scholarship Form

Have you been to our meetup before?(Required)
As candidly as you can, please tell us about your situation and why you need the financial assistance.
I promise to adhere to the code of conduct.(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.